Ideal Living:-2. -----------------------------/ We have thus, in each one of us, a double personality playing in all times; one, a personality which we believe in and anotherwith which we act out. Roughly we can attribute the former to our intellectual entity and the later to our physical person. Educated as we are, as a product of our study of, appreciation for and admiration to some of the perfect qualities, both moral and ethical, in other men, we have a vague picture of the ideal that we wish to be. This picture of the ideal, when entertained for long in ourselves, becomes so clearly impressedin ourselves that we come to believe that we are ideal that we cherish. But alas! others suffer and groan under persecutions of what we actually are in our life. Our self-unfoldment, our growth in ourselves, our personality charm can burst forth in all its fragrance and joy into full bloom only when we plan for and bring about an actual translation of our ideali...