Bhagavatham Village:

Bhagavatham Village Trust is a registered charitable institution having its own office functioning in Cochin city near Ernakulam South Railway Station. The trust is headed by Swami Udith Chaithanya. Bhagavatham Village is situated at Munipara, Chalakudy, near Kalady, the birth place of Jagathguru Adi Sankara. This place is in a serene atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the city on the banks of chalakudy river. According to ancient scriptures the name Chalakudy is derived from chala (shala) kudy (hut). It is said that there used to be yagnas conducted in this place in ancient times. Bhagavatham Village is easily accessible by railway, road, and air. The Kochi International Airport is just a few kilometers away. Concept and Vision : Bhagavatham Village is envisaged by Swamiji for practising the "Pancha Yajna" for the benefit of society and setting up an example for the whole world. Swami Udit Chaithanyaji, the Acharya of Bhagavatham Village, aft...