Kerala - a state stuck in the past! :

Mathrubhumi : COLUMNS » TVR SHENOY Published: THURSDAY, MAY 01, 2014. Kerala - a state stuck in the past! : The first of May _ Labour Day _ is a red letter day in the Marxist calendar. In one of history's ironies, the decline of the Communists in India can be told as a tale of three days in May. The first was16 May, 1996, when Atal Bihari Vajpayee became Prime Minister of India. Though that ministry lasted but thirteen days it brought the national leaderships of the Congress and the C.P.I.(M) into an embrace. The second is 20 May, 2011, when Mamata Banerjee replaced Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee as Chief Minister of West Bengal. Kerala may be the icing on the Leftist cake _ Tripura being the cherry _ but the eastern state, twice the size of Kerala, is the cake itself. What is the third? Prediction is a mug's game but it could be another16 May, when the results of the sixteenth General Election are announced. How many voters in Kerala realise ...