Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals :Ch-7. Part -4.

Chapter 7: Lord Ganesa – The Remover of Obstacles. Part-4. The fear of God is supposed to be the beginning of religion. A person who has no fear of God also has no religion, because religion is respect for God. The fear of God goes together with the acceptance of the greatness of God and His Power. Wherever there is power, we are afraid of it. An ocean, a lion, an elephant are all powerful things, and we dread the very sight of them. What is Bhagavan and what are His characteristics? 'Bhagavan' is one who has six characteristics. "1. Aisvaryasya samagrasya 2. viryasya 3. yasasah 4. sriyah; 5&6. jnana-vairagyayoh chaiva shannam bhaga itirana" – these six characteristics mentioned are all called Bhaga. One who has Bhaga is called Bhagavan. (1) . (a) All prosperity, (b). all wealth, (c). all treasure, (d). all glory, (e). all magnificence is Aisvarya. Entire Aisvarya is there. (2). (a) Virya is tremendous energy, (b). force and ...