Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals :Ch-3. Part - 15.

Chapter-3. Rama – The Apotheosis of Human Perfection ( Sri Ramanavami ) Part-15. You keep yourself open to the powers that are and allow them to enter into you, while up to this time you were preventing them from entering into you. What are we doing now? It is something like building a house with four walls, without any ventilation, and sitting inside in pitch darkness while the sun is shining outside in all its might and glory. The sun has come up wanting to enlighten the whole world with its lustre and force. But we live in a dungeon, covering ourselves with a blanket and closing our eyes so that the energy and the light of the sun may not have any effect on our personality. This is what we do in our relationship with God and in our relationship with the forces of the universe. The forces of the universe are just here, within this hall – wherever we are. They are not far away in the skies. You can keep yourself open to them or keep yourself shut to the...