Dharshan :

SIX STREAMS OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY In the field of philosophy, India has an unmatched contribution. The streams of Indian philosophy are said to be an eternal message of India’s learned sages. Ancient Indian philosophers have expressed their essential thoughts in a special style bound in well-balanced symbolic stanzas. In all, there are six streams of Indian philosophy known as Shaddarshan. Principles and subject matters of each of these six streams have been discussed explicitly. The Sanskrit word ‘Darshan’ means to see, to reflect and to have faith as well. Because of natural curiosity, human being has given philosophy, a supreme importance in his life. In fact, human’s whole outlook for life has been nothing but philosophy. Every human being has a different philosophy for life. It is natural instinct of the human being to learn more and more about his ambience. A wave of curiosity constantly pricks his mind with questions like: What relation do I have with my ...