Pratipaksha bhavana :- The previous two and three stanzas of Bhajagovindam the teacher (Swami Sankara) tried to to help the student to make correct judgement of the place of money and woman in a healthy man's dynamic living. They are not to serve as treacherous rocks upon which one's ship of life should get smashed and floundered. Here, next, Acharya is helping us to realise how ephemeral, and riddled with painful imperfections, is this uncertain existence of the embodied. Since life is so uncertain, and the world is in a sense nothing but sorrow, there is no time for any one to waste. Death rarely announces its visit, and unannounced it enters cities and hamlets, flats and fields. It respects neither the person nor the place that it visits. Therefore, strive right now. 'Now'and 'here'seems to be the urgency behind. Swami Sankara in the 4th stanza of Bhajagovindam symbolises the extreme uncertainty of life, the analogy of a drop of water trembling ...