Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 12-12.

"Very important - A Nation is built from the tradition of family! Read carefully, understand, keep in mind and apply the lesson day to day life." Chapter -12. Yajna – Quintessence of the Culture of India-12. Deepavali message given on the 25th of October, 1973. In villages, some ladies have a peculiar habit. Suppose a lady wants a sari. She cannot tell her husband directly, "I want a sari." So, she will say, "The neighbour's wife has purchased a new sari today. It is very good, very nice. I saw it myself." Her husband understands her intentions. He will say, "Why do you describe all these things? All right, I will purchase one for you." And the poor man purchases a sari. The epics and Puranas follow a similar indirect way of instructing the truths. But the Vedas directly tell the truth, openly: "You must do this; it is like this." This is scientific. Science always plainly tells the truth as it is, without any camouflag...