Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 11.17.

Swami Vivekananda's historic speech on 11 September, 1893. Chapter-11.The Sport of the Infinite-17. ( Rasa-Lila message given on the 22nd of October, 1972.) Such was the occasion, the Rasa Purnima, when God entered into the lower frequency of human consciousness and became visible, though He has infinitude in His bosom in higher frequencies of supernormal existence and is incapable of perception. The conclusion is that God is All and nothing but God can be. The human soul has only one desire – unity with God. It has not got many desires. All our economic longings and necessities, physical needs, intellectual aspirations, social necessity and what not – all these are distorted forms of the desire of the soul for They are erroneous movements of the soul's aspiration for Divinity. Samsara is nothing but the writhing of the soul, the struggling of the soul and t...