The Process of Yoga: 5.1 - Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================================= Sunday 18, Aug 2024. 05:30. Yoga and Meditation The Process of Yoga: Swami Krishnananda Chapter 5: The Stages of Practice - 1. ================================================================================= When the loss of something disturbs our minds, we may be said to be emotionally connected with it. This is the test of emotional attachment. When possessions or objects with which we are associated are taken away from us and it does not seriously affect our minds, it may be said that the emotions are not primarily connected with those things or objects. The practice of yoga consists primarily of two stages, known as vairagya and abhyasa. Vairagya is the emotional detachment of the personality from objects with which one is related in that manner, while abhyasa is a higher process still, which we shall consider in outline shortly. As I pointed out previously, most of our experiences are emotional...