PRESENT BHARATHAM:- Bharatham is a spiritual country, world acknowledges this view. Since liberalisation, new modernisation ,and globalisation started change occurred to great extent, we lost our culture along with this mad rush. We started to imitate western culture, began to neglect one's own mother tongue, in the mean time Gulf boom began, new rich germinated, boom of IT sector, and salary hike, one more rich germinated, lot of foreign exchange, a new genaration flew to western countries on job hunting,: these made a great impact on our ancient culture. The media boom next, films,television channels, adverts, press, every thing changed. Women bodily exposures are visible in all areas from there, Internet, cellphones culture a curse to youngsters due to pornography, all advancement in technology became a sudden curse to the country, channels telecasts serials where women's cruel rolls started rolling, or weak rolls for women is a assured one, in films half naked...