Spirituality In Bharatham :

As the global community becomes increasingly capitalistic, the quest for spirituality grows in urgency. Bharatham, its people, its infrastructure, and indeed its very soil, encourage and breed Spiritualism, allowing religions to thrive, flourish and prosper. Bharatham boasts the presence of every major religion in the world, as well many of their off-shoots and facets, all being supported, nourished, and living in comparative harmony. Many of these religions were conceived in Bharatham, and others have come to Bharatham seeking a safe haven from persecution after being created in their own lands. The age-old environment has always supported such freedom of belief. We will thus find Judaism, Islam, The Baha'i Faith, Christianity, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism amongst the major religions being practiced in India, together with a variety of The Lesser Known Religions. Since religion is the most enduring preservative of social customs, architecture...