This, a very old non-Vedik religion, arose in the later Vedic period and was revitalised by Vardhamana Mahavira in the 6th century B.C. On the practical side Jainism up held asceticism and non-violence. According to it the goal of life is to attain Omniscience. The Jain--way to Nirvana is:- 1.Right faith; 2.Right knowledge; and 3.Right conduct. These are called the ratnatraya or tri-ratna (three jewels). For a house-holder the right conduct consists of: 1.Ahimsa; 2.Satya; 3.Asteya; 4.Brahmacharya; 5.Aparigraha. These are the anuvratas. But for a monk the right conduct consists of five mahavratas. Brahmacharya and aparigraha for a house-holder mean only chastity and non-attachment, but for a sanyasi, they mean absolute celibacy and complete renunciation.[to be cont---d] by swami chinmayananda.