Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals :Ch-4. Part - 2.

Chapter-4.Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya - The Genius ( Sankara Jayanti ) : Part-2. This is the specific characteristic of the time of the Veda Samhitas – to visualise and to behold the Creator in what is created, and to see the One in the many. Destiny, perhaps, willed that this should be the beginning of our cultural history so far as it can be recollected by our memories and available data, historically as well as archaeologically. The Samhitas of the Vedas are spontaneous hymns and prayers offered to God in His multifaceted manifestation as this cosmos. To the sages of the Veda Samhitas, the rise of the sun was a manifestation of God. It was the glorious God Aditya that was rising. The dawn was a manifestation of divinity. Similarly, the sunset had its own glory, revealing the divinity of God. The heat of summer, the pouring rains, the cold of winter, and the changing seasons – all that is visible as well as conceptual became a vehicle for enshrinin...