Sri Madhvacharya : 2.

Nahi jnanena sadrisam pavitramiha vidyate. Knowledge is incomparably pure. Thus says the holy Bhagavad Geeta. Our life is a gradual march towards purity – the purity which is the souls own nature. This purity can be achieved only by pure knowledge. Therefore, knowledge is the greatest treasure of the mankind. It is the panacea of all our evils. It is the knowledge which makes man superior to other God's creations. Human being minus knowledge is just an animal with two legs. The world has seen many seers, who came down to earth, to propagate the divine knowledge among the needy. But for them, the world would have drowned in the vast oceans of ignorance. After the advent of Kali Yuga, the noble souls lost their way in the dense forests of samsara. They sank to great depths of ignorance, doubt and bewilderment. The graceful Vishnu was moved by their plight. He wished to uplift his devotees and bring them back to the right path. As He has no avatar in Kali Yuga, He Himself d...