Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 11.1.

Chapter-11.The Sport of the Infinite-1 ( Rasa-Lila message given on the 22nd of October, 1972.) There has always been a perpetual, unceasing emanation of light, heat and warmth from the sun, ever since ages. So is God's manifestation in the world as the Incarnations. We use the term 'Incarnation' to denote the manner in which spiritual forces work in the temporal world. The spiritual forces are the messengers of God, the arms of God moving in the world of space and time, the eyes of God operating in the empirical process of perception, the majesty of God proclaiming itself in all its grandeur, whether invisibly manifest or visibly demonstrated before our physical eyes. Such are the Incarnations or Avataras. This divine manifestation is not limited to places, times and persons. As God is all-pervading, His action is also all-pervading. It is an omnipresent, incomprehensible abundance of God's kindness, goodness, knowledge and power which occasionally enters ...