Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 13.8.

24/03/2017. Chapter 13 : Lord Skanda – The Concentrated Divine Energy -8. Skanda-Shashthi message given on the 9th of November, 1980. The religious history of this event commences with a magnificent portrayal of the great God Siva absorbed in meditation and deeply immersed in Samadhi, oblivious of what we may call darkness, evil or the centrifugal forces. God's absorption in Himself in the 'I am that I am' is the total cosmic opposition to the multifarious dark activities of the urges in the direction of the senses whose leader is the ego and whose colleagues are desire and anger. The greatest forms which this impulse of externality can take in us are these three. The ego is the centrality of the urge, the central dynamo, as it were, which pumps the energy necessary for the movement of this impulse outwardly. And, desire and anger are like the two arms of this adamant centrality of individuals. So, in a way, we may say that there are only two forces, ...