Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals :Ch-6. Part -7.

Chapter-6. Lord Sri Krishna – The Purna-Avataram Part-7. You are as though possessed by God at that time. You yourself become a sort of Avatara, to put it in a meagre sense, at the time of true worship. The invocation is made in such a complete form, and with such method and system of rituals, that you assume in your body, mind and soul, in your total personality, the various aspects and manifestations of the personality of the Divinity, God. So, on this day we have such an occasion for worship of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, which means to say that we have to put on in our inward character and meditation, a deep sense of our unity with the various aspects of His personality which are co-extensive with all that is external to Him and all that is transcendent as well as immanent. This is to give you an idea of 'Purnata', what Purna-Avatara would mean and what it also means to worship and meditate and adore such a Purna-Avatara. If meditation is difficult, worship...