Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals :Ch-4. Part - 20.

Chapter-4. Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya - The Genius ( Sankara Jayanti ) : Part-20. But something is there outside. That is what you call matter. ''Matter is that which is other than consciousness; it is that which consciousness recognises, sees or comes in contact with. That which has not the characteristic of consciousness is matter." The distinguishing feature of that which is different from consciousness is that it is non-intelligent and, therefore, it cannot think. This is a wonderful philosophy. You can read it in detail in your leisure time. And as a matter of fact, Vedanta is nothing but an amplification of the Sankhya. The seed of the Vedanta was sown by the Sankhya itself. We have to give enough credit to the thinkers of the Sankhya for having paved the way for the onward march of later thinkers like Sankara. Swami Krishnananda To be continued ....