THE PERIOD OF VEDAS:-2. We cannot precisely estimate the age of vedas; yet some scholars estimate it to be anywhere around 4,000 to 2,500 B.C. It will be of interest to look briefly into the various developments that took place from the vedic age up to the time of SANKARA who, according to general acceptance by scholars, was born in A.D. 788. A truly religious mind does not bother much for the history of religion, but an imperfect historical treatment of a subject has its own value. For purpose of analysis, the earlier period consisting of about 1,500 years i.e, from 2000 to 500 B.C., may be called as the vedic age. In the period of early hymens there was nothing other than the forces of nature to be worshipped. This led to the personification of these forces. Nevertheless, there was a resolute search for a unity behind these forces; hence, we find so many idols created during this time that one god shades away into another. Some of the popular names include Visvakarma, the chief ...