The Buddha only restated the thought of the Upanisads. He spread only the ideals of the orthodox religion, but repudiated the ascendancy of the priests and the elaborate ritualism. Consequently, more emphasis was placed on morality. Dr. Radhakrishnan rightly claims : 'He was the wisest and greatest and best of the Hindus' Thus the emergence of Buddhism may be regarded as the second renaissance of Hinduism. The Buddhas teachings were more practical in the sense that they were more concerned with providing a remedy for the ills of life than with discussions on the metaphysical questions. This had a serious consequence. His later followers had considerable difference of opinion about the basic doctrines emerged, such as theories of anitya, anatma, and nirvana. The negative side of life was over-emphasised with no corresponding emphasis against Upanisadik meaning of liberation from the thralldom of finitude The Buddha's teaching consists of the four Aryan T...