yoga :

Yoga means ‘union’; it is derived from “Yuj” in Sanskrit. It implies a ‘oneness with the Supreme Energy’. The philosophy of Yoga originated in India thousands of years ago. Yoga works towards giving us a healthy mind in a healthy body. Practise of yoga on a regular basis helps us achieve good health (both physical and mental) by not only reducing the built up toxins in our body but by also preventing illnesses both mental and physical. Yoga teaches us number of asanas and postures that makes our body supple and improves the blood circulation which makes us strong from within. It is only when the body is strong, fit and agile that the mind can focus on the essentials. Yoga transforms our lives and helps us to live in harmony with the world around us. When we see a small baby sleep, we marvel at its undisturbed peaceful countenance and steady rhythmic breathing. The baby wakes up rested, full of zestful energy and enthusiasm for its innumerable activities which needs to be d...