The Process of Yoga : 8. Swami Krishnananda.

---------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, January 13, 2021. 08:20. AM. Chapter 1: The Spirit of Life -8.. -------------------------------------------- But what sort of relationship is there between ourselves and others? This relationship among persons and things in life is what we mean by life, because for us life is experience. Life is identical with what we know as experience. Whatever I experience is life for me. “Oh, what a life!” When I make a complaint like that, I mean that the experiences I had are not satisfactory. So my life is my experience. -our life is your experience. Life is experience in its essence. ----------------------------- As relationships seem to be what we mean by life, it is necessary to know what sort of relationships we have – or rather, that we seem to have – among ourselves. We can have two sorts of relationships. One is a scientific relationship, and another is an ethical relationship. When we have a very pleasurable ethical rel...