Bharatham (India) was thus through great intellectual, spiritual and social turmoil. Vedik religion had become mere performance of elaborate rituals as advocated by the Purva-Mimamsa, which took into consideration only Brahmana portion of the Vedik lore. Buddhism was past its heyday of freshness and purity, and had degenerated into innumerable philosophical schools and as many corrupt religious practices. Jainism was getting a lot of royal patronage and Hinduism had developed a number of intolerant sects. Squabbles, dissensions and corruption prevailed in the name of religion. It was into such an age of fuming confusion, chaotic intellectual anarchy and social decadence that BHAGAVAN SANKARA was born to destroy the wicked and the crooked ways of thinking, establish Sanatana Dharma, and impart to it the life-giving philosophy of the Non-dual Brahmam of the Upanisads. [to be cont---d] By Swami chinmayananda.