Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals -16-5.

22/06/2018 Chapter 16 : The Significance of Ekadasi - 5. A talk given on the 17th of January, 1970, on the request of devotees. How is Ekadasi related to the movement of moon and mind? We have certain centres, called Chakras, in the body. The Chakras are nothing but energy-centres which whirl in some direction, as water whirls in a river. Chakra is a wheel or circular motion. They form in a spiral shape. They are not physical, but are psychophysical and psychological. These Chakras are neither in the mind nor in the body; they are in the astral body. The moon's influence physically on the body has an influence on the Chakras, which tells upon the mind ultimately. The mind moves through these Chakras. The passage of the mind is through these Chakras, up and down. When this operation takes place consciously, it is called Yoga. When done unconsciously by the mind, it is just influence. When the moon waxes or wanes, the mind is vehemently influenced. So people who are ...