Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 10-21.

Chapter 10: The Esoteric Significance of the Devi Mahatmya -21. ( A talk given on the 13th of October, 1972, during the Navaratri worship ) This Hreem is the Bija of Devi. But, outwardly it means, "Listen to the story of the king so-and-so, who is the eighth Manu," and all that. Thus in addition to the outer meaning, there is an inner significance of the Mantra. I am giving you only the case of one Mantra. Like this, every Mantra is full of inner significance. And every Mantra is repeated by devotees for some purpose or the other. The Devi-Mahatmya is especially recited for averting calamities in life. Catastrophes, calamities and tensions – personal or outward, whatever they be – all these are averted by a regular daily recital of the Devi-Mahatmya. When there is war threatening a country, for example, or pestilence or epidemic spreading everywhere, or any internal tension or anxiety of any kind, the Devi-Mahatmya is to be studied. And it is a very potent remed...