Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 12-13.

"Very important - A Nation is built from the tradition of family! Read carefully, understand, keep in mind and apply the lesson day to day life." Chapter -12. Yajna – Quintessence of the Culture of India-13. Deepavali message given on the 25th of October, 1973. Whatever it is, when knowledge gets adulterated through intense sensory activity, weakness of will and lack of moral force, the understanding of Dharma also falls. So we must have a whip to goad us to the path of Dharma, spirituality and God-consciousness. The tradition of India, Bharatavarsha, is full of such goading whips. While the Vedas, the Puranas and the epics may be said to be direct teachers in an institution or an academy, the culture of India has also instituted many occasions for bringing home to our minds the facts of our eternal glory and our duties to God, the world and mankind. We owe three kinds of duties which are mentioned in the eighteenth chapter of the Bhagavadgita: - "Yajno d...