The Process of Yoga : 2.5 - Swami Krishnananda.

================================================================ ================================================================ Tuesday, May 17, 2022. 06:00. Chapter 2: The Structure of the Universe-5. =============================================================== The Samkhya doctrine gives us a clue to this relation between the two terms of relation, consciousness and matter. The evolutionary scheme of the Samkhya is very helpful to us in understanding this mystery. On one side there is a world, and on the other side there is the perceiver of the world. Both these seem to be running parallelly along two altogether different lines of approach; but these parallel lines seem to meet at a point. How can parallel lines meet? Geometry tells us that parallels never meet, but today science tells us that parallels can meet in infinity. This is something super-geometrical. Infinity is the meeting point of parallel lines. Purusha and prakriti meet at one point, which is the point o...