SANATAN DHARMA : The meaning of Sanatan is eternal. Vedic Dharma can aptly be defined as Sanatan Dharma. In English, Dharma is defined by the word 'religion'. But the term religion is incapable to describe the vast meaning of Dharma. In fact, the spirit of Dharma is so vast that it includes things related not only to our present incarnation but to the past and the future incarnations as well. According to the definition given in the scriptures: DHAARNAAT DHARMAH Meaning- Dharma is something that should be borne all the time. Thus, it is the powerful means that saves us from catastrophe and leads to evolution. For example, Vedas are not only the means to attain comfort in metaphysical world but they also show the path to all round development and prosperity. MEANINGS OF SANATAN DHARMA SANAATANASYA DHARMA ITI SANAATAN DHARMAH| Meaning- Sanatan Dharma, as the name suggests owes its inception to none other than the et...