Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 10-17.

Chapter 10: The Esoteric Significance of the Devi Mahatmya -17. ( A talk given on the 13th of October, 1972, during the Navaratri worship ) So, through the worship of Maha-Kali, Maha-Lakshmi and Maha-Sarasvati, we worship Mula-Prakriti, Adi-Sakti in her cosmic dance-form of transformation, prosperity and illumination. In the beginning, what happens to a Sadhaka? There is a necessity of self-transformation. It is all hardship, rubbing and cleaning, washing, sweeping, etc. That is the first stage through the worship of Maha-Kali, who brings about a destruction of all barriers. Then what happens? There is tremendous prosperity. You become a master and a progressive soul commanding all powers, getting everything that you want. This is the second stage. Swami Krishnananda To be continued ... Add caption