SALAGRAMAM ASHRAM : Kundamonkadavu, Thirumala, Trivandrum - 695006 Kerala, India Phone: +91 471 2367299 SALAGRAMAM Ashram, envisaged and founded by Swami Sandeepananda Giri, is devoted to the understanding and spread of pure Knowledge.The School of Bhagavad Gita is the nucleus of the Ashram. Salagramam, the sacred stone, is believed to be the manifestation of Vishnu, the One who pervades all - and it is believed that Vishnu or Hari shines forth from the salagramam - "Harihi vyaapi salagraame prakaashate" Inspired by the divine salagramam, Swami Sandeepananda Giri envisions Salagramam, the Temple of Knowledge to illumine the world with the crystalline light of Knowledge - clear and pure. Salagramam Ashram is a microcosm of the universe around us. The universe is made up of the five elements of space, air, fire, water and earth and every particle is a reflection thereof. Salagramam ashram represents thi...