Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 12-10.

"Very important - A Nation is built from the tradition of family! Read carefully, understand, keep in mind and apply the lesson day to day life." Chapter -12. Yajna – Quintessence of the Culture of India-10. Deepavali message given on the 25th of October, 1973. When I say the Vedas are scientific, I am not making a joke. Masters like Swami Dayananda Sarasvati, who founded the Arya Samaj; Sayana, the great commentator of the Vedas; Aurobindo, of our own times; the Puri Sankaracharya; the late Bharati Krishna Tirtha – they all have struggled to point out that every science is contained in the Vedas. Even subjects such as aeronautics, shipbuilding, mathematics of the highest type in differential calculus, infinite calculus – everything is in the Vedas. Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha has written a book called Vedic Mathematics, and it has been published by the Benares Hindu University. The Veda Samhitas contain the highest reaches of mathematics. Swami Krishnananda To be contin...