The Process of Yoga : 2.9. - Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================= ======================================================================= Sunday, August 21, 2022. 08:00. Chapter 2: The Structure of the Universe-9. ===================================================================== And so, before the fundamental laws are studied, there is no use asking any question. “Why does God create the world?” “Why do I suffer?” “Why did my mother die?” These questions cannot be answered until the original constitution is studied. According to that, everything is perfectly all right. And, when that Supreme Centre, or the basis of the manifestation of things, is studied and reached by the consciousness within us, we are said to be liberated. Liberation is nothing but the recession of the effect into its cause, the returning of the object to the subject – or to put it more precisely, the returning of both the object and the subject to that point from where they emanated. God ...