The Process of Yoga : 4-1. Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================== Friday, 07 Jul, 2023. 05:30. Yoga and Meditation Chapter 4: The Psychology of Yoga-1 ========================================================================= Chapter 4: The Psychology of Yoga-1. Today we come to the more practical side of spiritual life, a necessity that arises automatically from the structure or the nature of things. We observed that the objective and the subjective sides of things run parallelly towards the destination of their evolution; and the two lines of evolution, or processes of development, seem to have a corresponding similarity and uniformity of action underlying them and controlling them even from outside. The world-experience, or empirical perception, is the way in which the object is envisaged and looked upon by the subject as an external something. Spiritual experience, on the contrary, is the recognition and the experience of the underlying uniformity and unity that rules supreme...