WOMEN:- Biologically, nature has made man and woman, with a natural affinity for the charms of the opposite sex. This natural urge is to be controlled, disciplined, purified and sublimated. An intelligent intellect alone can achieve this. An animal cannot; to act according to its instincts and impulses is but its privilege. The glory of man is that he can, by his rational intellect, curb and control the flow of his instincts for carnal pleasures and re-divert them, thus ultimately sublimating himself into something nobler and more divine. PRATIPAKSHA BHAVANA:- Here Swami Sankracharya in his book Bhajagovindam, slokam-3, gives us a line of thinking, which can be an efficient antidote to the fanciful price, that the body gives to the object of senses. The soft inviting bosom of your beloved, if scientifically analysed and mentally seen in its reality, will reveal itself to be compoed of only abhorrent flesh and fat, packed in a scaly skin! If these component parts are brou...