Tuesday, November 9, 2021. 11:00.AM. Unusual Temples & Shrines of India : October 1, 2021 : ANURADHA GOYAL : HINDUISM TODAY.

======================================================================== A priest attends to the day’s worship at a Chausath Yogini temple in the town of Hirapur. This is one of many such temples built in reverence to the 64 yoginis who are said to be manifestations of Shakti Herself. Shutterstock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, November 9, 2021. 11:00.AM. Unusual Temples & Shrines of India : October 1, 2021 : ANURADHA GOYAL : HINDUISM TODAY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Feature : Every hindu temple is a home of its deities, where they live just like we live in our homes, following a set routine through the day and celebrating special occasions around the year. Temples themselves are a form of Deity, designed to make us feel their presence at both the gross and subtle l...