THIRST:- Wealth in itself is innocent; philosophy is not against wealth. It is said here; "Renounce wealth", but it is only the insatiable thirst for wealth that is to be given up. 'Desire-for-wealth' is the relationship that the individual keeps subjectively with the objects of the world, which he believes can probably give him happiness. The objects outside are not to be condemned but man's relationship with them is to be intelligent and chaste. The practical man:- The practical man of the world, at this advice of the philosopher, asks a pertinent question: "If possessions are not to be courted, if wealth is not to be acquired, how are we to live?"If a philosopher is impractical, the man of the world has got enough common sense to throw up the philosophy, and walk his path of joyous fulfillment. No honest philosopher can afford to preach something impractical, and impossible. Swami Sankaracharya:- Sankara here indicates how we must...