Authentic Religion :

Offered to the delegates of the 1993 Parliament of World Religions with respectful greetings and loving good wishes - Swami Chidananda Esteemed Friend, Just as the different or various paths of Yoga are but varied approaches to the Divine through one or another facet or aspect of your human nature, even so, the various religious systems that exist and prevail in this world today are ever so many ways of approaching the one Supreme Cosmic Reality, who is transcendental and cannot be encompassed within the confines of the limited experience of our finite senses or our finite inner cognising instrument of mind, intellect, etc. He is known as "Para", in the Sanskrit language meaning that which transcends, that which goes beyond, that which is beyond. There are many effective, equally valid religions. They are, therefore, to be equally reverenced, equally recognized and equally loved and cherished - not merely tolerated. They speak of religious tolerance. The word...