Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 20-3. Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, May 31, 2020. Chapter-20."Philosopher and Administrator " : 3. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. We have an erroneous notion of the very meaning of life, the concept of life, as something different from the divine element hidden in man. It is very essential, as His Excellency beautifully put it, that we have a total vision which is requisite if it is essential that we have to work on the command of God, as God would expect us to work. How does God work? He works with infinite hands, with total impartiality, and without any consciousness of the difference between Himself and His creation. We are likely, wrongly perhaps, to make a distinction between God and the world. We say the world is of matter and God is Spirit. --------------------------------------------------...