Major Blunders of Nehru :Jawaharlal royega [Nehru will regret this].~ Sardar Patel had confided to his secretary, V Shankar, on Article-370.

Opinion 15/06/2016. 595. Sub : Major Blunders of Nehru : Ref : Consigning India to Economic Black Hole Nehru’s Poverty-Perpetuating & Misery-Multiplying. The root-cause of all the problems is mainly one person: NEHRU. Socialistic-bureaucratic Nightmare. During the Nehruvian era good things also happened. Given the long period of 17 years that Nehru ruled, certain good things had to happen. However, the sad point is that the achievements of the period were a very small fraction of what the potential was, that is, what could have been achieved. A third-world country like Singapore with NO natural resources went on to become a first-world country within a short span of about 15 years, while India at the end of Nehru’s 17-year rule remained a poor, miserable, third-rate, third-world country of hungry millions begging the world for food, even though it was far better placed than Singapore at the time of independence! Similarly, several other East...