Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals -14.1.11

06/01/2018. Chapter :- 14. The Gospel of the Bhagavadgita - 1.11 This is the essence of the themes described in the chapters of the Bhagavadgita. You are face to face with the Supreme Being in the eleventh chapter; and whatever I have told you so far is the inner significance of the contents of the first eleven chapters. The chapters that follow from the eleventh onwards describe methods of practically applying this knowledge in specific contexts of life. Before doing anything, understand well. Think well logically, dispassionately, taking into consideration all aspects of the question that arises in your mind. Cast your glance around you, and recognise where you really stand in this world, what your difficulties are, and tap the difficulties in their roots. Then it is that you will be blessed, and mankind at large will reach supreme beatitude. Social collaboration, individual self-control, universal interrelatedness, and Absolute Oneness – these are the standpoints...