Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 11.2.

Chapter-11.The Sport of the Infinite-2 ( Rasa-Lila message given on the 22nd of October, 1972.) Though God's revelations are perennial, perpetual, endless and beginningless, though it is a ceaseless activity like the flow of the Ganga or the radiance of the sun, yet these manifestations are sometimes too subtle to be capable of being perceived by human eyes. We have various gradations of frequency in light rays and sound waves, but the higher frequencies are not capable of being perceived by the eyes or heard by the ears. We have what we call cosmic rays, x-rays, beta-rays, gamma-rays, alpha-rays and many other rays, which are not perceptible forms of light rays although they are more powerful than the visible, gross light rays such as those emanating from the sun, moon, a candle or a torch light. They are more penetrating in their action, more pervasive in their nature and more effective in the results they produce, and yet they are invisible to the physical eyes and the phy...