Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals : 18-4. SWAMI KRISHNANANDA
This is Jnanam or wisdom and this is Darsanam or true vision. We are not supposed merely to love philosophy as the etymology of the word would suggest. We have also to possess it. You may love many things but not possess the things. That does no good. And it is not merely a possession in the sense of grabbing of things external.
It is an imbibition of a value into the very blood and veins of your personality, so that you become a living vehicle of philosophy itself. You are not a teacher of philosophy or a student of philosophy or a person endowed with a particular learning in a linguistic sense. The whole wisdom is throbbing through the bloodstream of your being.
You live it, which means to say, knowledge has become Being. When knowledge is outside Being, when knowledge has no relevance to Reality, it becomes a mere profession, and there will be the mercenary attitude of a teacher who is dependent on mere empirical existence and not on Reality itself.
Mostly, today we find that there is a gulf between Reality and knowledge. Sat and Chit are cut off one from the other. The great concluding message of Bharatiya Darsana is that Reality is Satchidananda. "Sattaiva bodhah, bodha eva satt":Existence is Consciousness; Consciousness is Existence.
Knowledge is Being and, vice versa, Being is Knowledge. If I have a knowledge of a being which has no connection with that knowledge, it cannot be called real knowledge. Knowledge of Being is inseparable from Being itself.
This is to draw a distinction between mere professing a knowledge and possessing it. The hour has come today when we have to live our Knowledge, and spread an aura among people, an aura that is shed by our own selves, like the light of the sun.
Your being is your teaching. The way you live in this world, the adjustment that you make with the reality outside in your practical existence, is a greater teaching than the words that you speak. The integration of your personality is the test of the wisdom that you possess.
If your personality is disintegrated within, if your psychological being is not in a state of alignment, if one is a psychopathic individual to speak in a psychoanalytic language, if the mind is diseased in a philosophical sense, though not medically, such a person cannot be called a philosopher.
A philosopher is psychologically healthy. He is healthy because he is possessed of Reality within himself.
To be continued ..
18. The Purpose of Philosophy-4.
A talk given on the 1st of February, 1979, while inaugurating the 24th Conference of the All-India Philosophical Congress, at the Sivananda Ashram.
The question would arise, how philosophy can be related to life. My feeling is that philosophy is not going to be related to life. Philosophy is the name that we give to the way of living itself. They are not two different things. The system of living correctly in terms of our relationship to the ultimate Reality is philosophy.
The question would arise, how philosophy can be related to life. My feeling is that philosophy is not going to be related to life. Philosophy is the name that we give to the way of living itself. They are not two different things. The system of living correctly in terms of our relationship to the ultimate Reality is philosophy.
This is Jnanam or wisdom and this is Darsanam or true vision. We are not supposed merely to love philosophy as the etymology of the word would suggest. We have also to possess it. You may love many things but not possess the things. That does no good. And it is not merely a possession in the sense of grabbing of things external.
It is an imbibition of a value into the very blood and veins of your personality, so that you become a living vehicle of philosophy itself. You are not a teacher of philosophy or a student of philosophy or a person endowed with a particular learning in a linguistic sense. The whole wisdom is throbbing through the bloodstream of your being.
You live it, which means to say, knowledge has become Being. When knowledge is outside Being, when knowledge has no relevance to Reality, it becomes a mere profession, and there will be the mercenary attitude of a teacher who is dependent on mere empirical existence and not on Reality itself.
Mostly, today we find that there is a gulf between Reality and knowledge. Sat and Chit are cut off one from the other. The great concluding message of Bharatiya Darsana is that Reality is Satchidananda. "Sattaiva bodhah, bodha eva satt":Existence is Consciousness; Consciousness is Existence.
Knowledge is Being and, vice versa, Being is Knowledge. If I have a knowledge of a being which has no connection with that knowledge, it cannot be called real knowledge. Knowledge of Being is inseparable from Being itself.
This is to draw a distinction between mere professing a knowledge and possessing it. The hour has come today when we have to live our Knowledge, and spread an aura among people, an aura that is shed by our own selves, like the light of the sun.
Your being is your teaching. The way you live in this world, the adjustment that you make with the reality outside in your practical existence, is a greater teaching than the words that you speak. The integration of your personality is the test of the wisdom that you possess.
If your personality is disintegrated within, if your psychological being is not in a state of alignment, if one is a psychopathic individual to speak in a psychoanalytic language, if the mind is diseased in a philosophical sense, though not medically, such a person cannot be called a philosopher.
A philosopher is psychologically healthy. He is healthy because he is possessed of Reality within himself.
To be continued ..